New Member Benefit – Weekly Video Chats

We would like to  begin by thanking those of you who became members right away, even when there was not much in the way of benefits to this. Your support means the world to us, and as we have worked to produce content for the general public, we have also quietly been working on ways to make your membership a worthwhile investment.

If you are not yet a member, now is a great time to sign up for just $10/month!

One way we plan to do this is to start doing weekly members only video chats with your humble correspondent. The host will join the main member chat once a week, enable his video camera, and engage directly with members only. At the time of this writing, there aren’t that many of you, so these events will be a great opportunity for us to get to know one another.

We’ll start doing this on Wednesdays at 9:30pm Eastern time, and plan on going for at least 1 hour. The first session will be March 29th at 9:30pm Eastern. If there is a better time for you, please let us know using the member request form.

At a minimum, members will be able to ask questions in the member chat, and the host will read them out loud on camera and respond to them in real time.

The technology of the system we are using allows members to turn on their own cameras and microphones to engage in real time and be seen and heard by all on the chat. We will experiment with this feature, but, especially as more people join, we can foresee this becoming untenable, so we don’t want to promise this as a member benefit in the long term. We’ll see how it works.

We also know that some of you are very concerned about privacy, and we take this very seriously. So, within your member interface, you will see a new menu option called “Member Request”. This will allow you to send a message to the host that does not appear in the Member Chat. Your message will be addressed in the same way as if you said it in the chat, except this will not be associated with your user account and you will remain anonymous.

The host will record these sessions, and release them as members only bonus content for your on demand enjoyment, and archival purposes.

For those of you who would like to publish your engagements with the host on your own social media accounts, you must get our permission before doing so. We will generally be inclined to permit this, and we’ll even clip the audio or video for you. But since this is a members only feature, we cannot very well allow indiscriminate publication of the content.

The next feature we are working on is an option to book the host for either public appearances or private sessions. This will be a publicly available item to purchase in the shop, which we will make available to members for a discount well in excess of your monthly membership fee.

Thanks for subscribing! There is much more to come!

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