Get ProtonMail Today

Here at SurrealPolitiks, we know two things.

Well, we know a lot of things, but two of the things we know best are that you cannot trust “Big Tech” and you cannot trust “Big Government”.

Depending on how you view the world, that might be one thing, but, you get the idea.

We know at least a third thing too, and that is, end to end encryption matters, big time.

End to End encryption means that there is nobody between the sender and the recipient of a message who can read it. Many people tend to assume that this is how the Internet works as a general matter, but those people are wrong. When you use GMail, for example, GMail is more than capable of reading every message you send and receive. That’s actually how GMail provides a lot of the features it does, such as allowing you to quickly find that ancient email you just thought of by remembering one unusual word in the message body.

This has its ups and downs.

Because, even if you’re not doing anything wrong, that doesn’t mean your data can’t be used against you by nefarious characters. Maybe the CEO of Google isn’t interested in digging through your emails, but some Democrat activist who works there just might, and since Google can read your email, their employees can read your email.

And this is by no means the most extreme circumstance. Just the most common.

Get ProtonMail Secure Email Today!
Get ProtonMail Secure Email Today!

ProtonMail operates differently. ProtonMail has end to end encryption. You can read the message, the recipient can read the message, but ProtonMail, the people who work there, cannot read the message. It is stored encrypted, and no matter what threats they get from the government or civil lawyers or political extremists or mundane criminals, they simply lack the capacity to read your messages. And since they cant do it themselves, they cannot be tricked or coerced in the helping other people do it.

I have used ProtonMail for about five years now. I LOVE IT. I will probably use ProtonMail for the rest of my life, and that is why I am so proud to have the opportunity to partner with their company. If you sign up for a ProtonMail account through the links on this site, we’ll get a cut of the sale and you’ll be helping us fund this production. Better yet, we even get the recurring revenue, from your renewals later on.

Even if you sign up for a free account today, and then, say five years from now, you upgrade, we’ll get a cut of that sale, and your renewal fees.

And while that might be enough reason to sign up for one, I must stress that it is not my reason for promoting it. I use ProtonMail EVERY DAY. It is my primary private email service. I sincerely believe in this product, and I am so proud to offer it to you here.

Sign up today, FOR FREE. If you want more out of it later, you can sign up for a paid account. But there is no reason not to get your free account RIGHT NOW. Try it out, see how you like it. Once you realize that it gives you everything you get with other email services, and it keeps your data safe, you’ll understand why I am so enthusiastic about endorsing this product.