SurrealPolitiksRealpolitik in an Unreal World

Thoughts for tonight’s members only chat

The Wednesday night SurrealPolitiks members only video chats have been a lot of fun so far. I have appreciated the audience interactions, and, not without consequence, that interaction has saved me the trouble of needing to do much show prep. 🙂 The more you talk, the less I have to, as I’m fond of saying.

The archive of this evening’s chat is now published for paying members who are logged into their accounts.

But today I did collect some thoughts in preparation, because there are a lot of interesting things going on, and I’ll be interested to get your take on them.

The FBI tried to trick me into meeting with them. I declined. I’ll tell you that funny story… I don’t suspect I’ve heard the last of it…

I spoke to my public defender regarding the appeal of my New Hampshire case. I mentioned last time we spoke that the first circuit denied my appeal, and now we have to decide on going to the Supreme Court. The way the First Circuit made their decision adds a very interesting element to this, and I’ll be happy to explain the implications.

In the news, there are more revelations about the supposed intelligence documents that were recently leaked, which we discussed on SurrealPolitiks S01E004. The disclosures include information about US and UK “boots on the ground” which, depending on how you look at it, might be interpreted in different ways.

I also put together an opening monologue for tonight, which I am reasonably confident will elicit some laughs. There seems to be an ongoing wave of violent crime, perpetrated by an extremist group that is rather easily identified by their social media activity.

You see this stuff all the time, and as the bodies pile higher, you have to figure law enforcement will have trouble ignoring it.

You might have heard a story that the FBI now considers words like “based” and “red pilled” to be extremist slang associated with White Supremacy. Alright, I can see how somebody would reach that conclusion…

But how many people have been killed in 2023 by the based and red piled crowd? I can’t say that I’m aware of any.

In contrast, this guy who shot up the bank in Louisville recently, apparently had his pronouns listed on his LinkedIn profile. Granted, his pronouns were congruent with his biological reality, but stating one’s pronouns is no less indication of one’s adherence to an extremist ideology. This is the “based and redpilled” of the gender extremist terror movement.

Imagine if the FBI began monitoring social media for gender terrorist slang like this, and used all the dark arts of the espionage trade to thwart their mayhem.

In contrast to their obsession with White Supremacy, the feds wouldn’t even have to make stuff up to prosecute these monsters. They are bragging about their crimes in public.

There’s more, of course. There’s always more, but that’s a sneak peek of my thoughts for the evening. As always, members get to control the conversation here.

You can become a member for $10/month if you aren’t one already. Just go to, and sign up for your monthly membership from our shop.

Then, join the member chat at 9:30pm Eastern, and hop on the video chat. You don’t have to enable your camera or microphone. You can just listen. I keep an eye on the text chat during the talk, so if you have something to say and you don’t want to be heard, you can just ask it there.

Also, I’ll be making a more detailed announcement soon, but I have now enabled a new membership benefit. By becoming a SurrealPolitiks Premium Member, you will get access to an AI Art bot on our members only Discord Server. Once you become a member, you’ll see a new menu in the right sidebar of the website, that says “Link Discord“. Once you do this, your Discord account will be added to our server and you can chat with other members, and access the AI art bot in the #ai-art channel of the server.

I look forward to speaking with you, this and every Wednesday at 9:30pm Eastern.



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Further reading

Member Feature Problems

We received notice from several users that they were getting an error when attempting to view member content or account functions. This appears to be... [Read More]

Podcast Downloads Fixed

We sent out an email earlier notifying users of a problem with podcast downloads. That problem has been resolved. If you experience any trouble... [Read More]

